Heart-Womb Awakening

Return to the sacred temple within

a 5-week online immersion

Next Workshop:

11th January - 15th February

You are invited to step into a circle of sisters

Be embraced by a strong web of women. In this togetherness you are allowed to grow, heal, and transform your understanding of sisterhood and the Feminine.

A woman standing in her creative Womb power with her Heart wide open is magic. She is magnetic. She radiates grace. The sacred perfume of the Divine Feminine flows through her, bringing joy to all life.

Living with an Open Heart

An open Heart allows you to embrace the waves of life with trust and presence. You learn how to accept yourself, your body, and experiences exactly as they are.

There is a strong social conditioning around norms for the female body. We place endless conditions on our beauty and femininity. But what is truly Feminine?

Ancient traditions speak of the Holy Grail, the Origin of all Creation, the Divine Mother. Our Womb is her temple. The Womb is your feminine power place and the time has come to remember her presence. Return to her guidance and reclaim the creative power that lies within.

Reveal your menstrual powers

Your Womb holds the secrets of Creation. You are invited to question and release old conditioning around menstruation and reclaim the sacredness of this natural process.

Your Womb is not a place to store trauma and pain. She is your center of power. Your temple of wisdom. Restore your womb as a garden Eden that births love and connection, healing, and grace.

Celebrate your Sexuality

Discover a feminine approach to sexuality. Full of roundness, softness, and wildness. Sexuality holds a key to meet yourself raw and naked. To get in touch with the blissful essence of your Soul.

When disconnected from our sexual center, we lose the connection to the core of our being. And ultimately with the core of existence.

Learn various sexual healing practices that help you to release any blockages you hold against the river of life. Let go and break open. Surrender to the ecstatic flow of the Universe. Return to your natural source of energy and rebirth yourself from the insight out.

Heart-Womb Awakening invites you to embody your deepest calling for Truth and to step into a sacred service towards all living Beings, offering yourself as a vessel of Love.

Embracing Life

Every moment holds the key to spiritual and personal evolution. Following the inner guidance of the Heart-Womb, daily life transforms into a school of profound learning and growing.


Discover the sacredness that you hold within yourself.
Tap into the infinite source of Love that is radiating from the Heart and that is able to hold you as you are.

Womb Circle

Coming together in presence is a meaningful step on our healing journey. We thrive in connection and grow in the loving embrace of our sisters. During this Course, you are held by a strong and safe circle of Women that will carry you deeper into your Awakening. 

Course Details

Transform your daily life into a temple of Self-remembrance

Being in the nest of your home creates the perfect environment to dive into the intimate process of awakening your Heart-Womb Temple!

What you will receive during this course:

To fully immerse yourself into the transformation process I recommend committing to a daily practice of around 2 hours. There are no fixed times for the practices and you can distribute them over the day. This allows you to adjust the course to the natural flow of your daily responsibilities and needs.


You will begin your journey with awakening the Heart through daily Hridaya Meditation and meeting the Buddhist Goddess Tara, a symbol of compassion. In that way, you learn to develop Self-Awareness and Self-Love.
With the “Heart on Fire Body Prayer“ you will be guided through a gentle yet transformative practice that consists of a combination of yogic Asana, Sufi meditation, and deep relaxation.

With the “Womb Awareness Body Prayer“ and a wide collection of ancient knowledge you are guided back into your feminine wisdom center- the Womb. You are held in a loving space in this sometimes intense remembering. To anchor your process you will be supported by your circle of sisters, rituals, and creative exercises.

You will be initiated into a range of sexual healing rituals, originating from different cultures, traditions, and centuries. Some of these rituals will be practiced daily, allowing a deep transformation on the sexual level. This is a space to discover your body and intimacy in a new and truly authentic way.

The “Triple Goddess Body Prayer“ will guide you into a wild and sacred dance through the 3 phases of the menstrual cycle. Understanding the feminine cycle brings tremendous healing and opens the door to harvesting the creative potential that your Wombspace is holding. To wider open the gateways of creation, you work with a sacred-sounding practice bringing Heart and Womb into resonance.



“Be the woman that fixes another woman’s crown without telling the world that it was crooked“

An essential step into our collective healing is to care for each other and lift each other up.

When you feel financially blessed, you have the opportunity to support another woman in joining this course.

When you are in need of support, you are invited to join this course via the supported pricing.

Supported Price

250 Euros

Normal Price

300 Euros

Gifting a Sister

350 Euros


“Be the woman that fixes another woman’s crown without telling the world that it was crooked“

An essential step into our collective healing is to care for each other and lift each other up.

When you feel financially blessed, you have the opportunity to support another woman in joining this course.

When you are in need of support, you are invited to join this course via the supported pricing.


300 Euros

Meet me

I am seeing myself as a continuous student of life. I am learning from mother nature, the stillness inside, and the many great teachers who bless my life.

Since 10 years I dedicate my life to spirituality. During that time my search has taken many forms. After a period of renunciation and many long meditation retreats, a longing surfaced to integrate and share the Grace that has touched my heart.

 Tantra, Hridaya, Astrology, Taoism, Shamanism, and the teachings of the Womb guided me in that process. I came to understand that the spiritual path is a dance of dissolving and becoming. A constant death and rebirth.

Since 2015 I am part of the teaching team at Hridaya Yoga. Sharing the path of the spiritual Heart. Since 2018 I offer astrological consultations. In 2019 through a period of shamanic training in Peru, I was drawn back into the Womb. She guided me to birth the offering of the Heart-Womb as an honoring of the Divine Feminine.

I am seeing myself as a continuous student of life. I am learning from mother nature, the stillness inside, and the many great teachers who bless my life.

Since 10 years I dedicate my life to spirituality. During that time my search has taken many forms. After a period of renunciation and many long meditation retreats, a longing surfaced to integrate and share the Grace that has touched my heart. Tantra, Hridaya, Astrology, Taoism, Shamanism, and the teachings of the Womb guided me in that process. I came to understand that the spiritual path is a dance of dissolving and becoming. A constant death and rebirth.

Since 2015 I am part of the teaching team at Hridaya Yoga. Sharing the path of the spiritual Heart. Since 2018 I offer astrological consultations. In 2019 through a period of shamanic training in Peru, I was drawn back into the Womb. She guided me to birth the offering of the Heart-Womb as an honoring of the Divine Feminine.

“The merging of the Heart and Womb is the inner union of heaven and earth.
Divine Love and Divine Power working hand in hand for the well-being of all.
Our power is full of Love and our Love is full of Power.“


The daily practice consists of three parts: 

– Audio guided Hridaya Meditation (30 minutes)
– Audio guided Body Prayer (45 minutes to 1 hour)
– Creative exercise (around 30 minutes) 

This course can be easily adjusted to your personal needs. No matter if you are working full-time, raising children, or travel the world. You can choose when it is the right time for your practice. 

The daily practices are guided via audio recordings which allows you to do them whenever you find the time.

Only once a week, on Sunday evening there will be a live Womencircle. During these 2 hours, we meet each other via Zoom, sharing our experiences, insights, and revelations. The Womencircle holds tremendous healing potential and I very much recommend taking part in this gathering. 

Each week you will receive an audio-guided Body Prayer that playfully guides you through various practices. The Body Prayer is a way of integrating and EXPERIENCING the teachings you receive during the week. In this way, you come to an embodied understanding. Each Body Prayer is made with love and care and guides you through a feminine approach of Hatha Yoga Asanas, Breathing techniques, Meditation, Prayer, and Dance. 

Each week you will perform a ritual that serves as a playful recognition of the Divine around and within you. You will receive a detailed explanation of the ritual, its origin, and how to perform it. You can do the ritual in your own timing, choosing the perfect moment for it. 

The Heart-Womb teaches us about the interconnectedness of life. We are one organism and each Soul plays a vital part in the Web of Life. When we begin to lift each other up, instead of putting each other down, magic and healing happens.

The three prices are an invitation for you to reflect, contemplate and step into action: 

If you are in a position to financially help a sister in joining this course, please feel welcome to lift a sister up! Sharing our gifts and abundance multiplies the energy.

If you are in need of financial support, please take the opportunity to be cared for by a sister.
Taking care and being taken care of is the dance of Love.

Do you neither need help nor have the funds to support another sister? Please join this course via the regular pricing. 

Yes, the audio-guided Body Prayers, as well as the Heart-Womb Booklet, will be yours and you can keep practicing them to deepen your understanding.

Discover my free offering, Heart-Womb Yoga

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To get to know my work a little better I am gifting you with a free guided meditation. I also invite you to join my newsletter, where you will be informed about my upcoming offerings.

Heart-womb awakening

Supported price

250 Euros

Choose how you want to pay:

Heart-womb awakening

Normal price

300 Euros

Choose how you want to pay:

Heart-womb awakening

Gifting A Sister

350 Euros

Choose how you want to pay:

Ask Me Your Questions

Receive a free heart-womb meditation & sign-up for my newsletter

To get to know my work a little better I am gifting you with a free guided meditation. I invite you to get comfortable and be guided into a nourishing Heart-Womb connection.

Sexual Blossoming

Introduction Call

Forces of transformation reading

First contact

In-depth birth chart reading

First contact