About Me

I Follow the drumbeat of the heart

I committed my life to the anchoring of Love on Earth

A deep longing dwells in me that human life on earth mirrors the bigger picture of our Soul’s journey. That we honor the sacredness of life. Celebrating each other’s uniqueness without forgetting the Divine fabric we are woven of.

Each one of us plays a vital role in this collective evolution. Turning inward, we can reveal the part we came here to play. Through the Heart, we conceive the ancient future, and through the Womb, we gift it to the world.

I created this offering from the yearning that you birth yourself as your highest Self. The Heart-Womb is here to support you in your becoming process, as a loving midwife would do. May we awaken together to our highest potential and bless the Earth with our gifts.

Serving the Web of life.

Meet me

I am seeing myself as a continuous student of life. I am learning from mother nature, the stillness inside, and the many great teachers who bless my life.

Since 10 years I dedicate my life to spirituality. During that time my search has taken many forms. After a period of renunciation and many long meditation retreats, a longing surfaced to integrate and share the Grace that has touched my heart.

 Tantra, Hridaya, Astrology, Taoism, Shamanism, and the teachings of the Womb guided me in that process. I came to understand that the spiritual path is a dance of dissolving and becoming. A constant death and rebirth.

Since 2015 I am part of the teaching team at Hridaya Yoga. Sharing the path of the spiritual Heart. Since 2018 I offer astrological consultations. In 2019 through a period of shamanic training in Peru, I was drawn back into the Womb. She guided me to birth the offering of the Heart-Womb as an honoring of the Divine Feminine.

I am seeing myself as a continuous student of life. I am learning from mother nature, the stillness inside, and the many great teachers who bless my life.

Since 10 years I dedicate my life to spirituality. During that time my search has taken many forms. After a period of renunciation and many long meditation retreats, a longing surfaced to integrate and share the Grace that has touched my heart. Tantra, Hridaya, Astrology, Taoism, Shamanism, and the teachings of the Womb guided me in that process. I came to understand that the spiritual path is a dance of dissolving and becoming. A constant death and rebirth.

Since 2015 I am part of the teaching team at Hridaya Yoga. Sharing the path of the spiritual Heart. Since 2018 I offer astrological consultations. In 2019 through a period of shamanic training in Peru, I was drawn back into the Womb. She guided me to birth the offering of the Heart-Womb as an honoring of the Divine Feminine.

About My offerings

The Universe is speaking

Union of heaven and earth

The Universe Is Speaking

Union of heaven and earth

The universe is speaking

Union of Heaven and Earth


To get to know my work a little better I am gifting you with a free guided meditation. I also invite you to join my newsletter, where you will be informed about my upcoming offerings.

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To get to know my work a little better I am gifting you with a free guided meditation. I invite you to get comfortable and be guided into a nourishing Heart-Womb connection.

Sexual Blossoming

Introduction Call

Forces of transformation reading

First contact

In-depth birth chart reading

First contact

Heart-womb awakening

Gifting A Sister

350 Euros

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Heart-womb awakening

Normal price

300 Euros

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Heart-womb awakening

Supported price

250 Euros

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